Debate and discussion in the council chamber

A true revolution is taking place within governments: citizens are moving from the public gallery to their own living rooms. Thanks to smart discussion systems, cameras and streaming technology, citizens can now participate in (council) meetings and press conferences independent of time and place.

Be Transparent to the Citizen

This is an excellent example of maximum transparency from the government and the way to bring politics closer to the citizen. Providing access to the broadcast, agenda, and speaker information, as well as the ability to chat, view related documents, and leave comments, further increases citizen engagement.

No Golden Formula

Do you want to brainstorm about the possibilities within your city or municipality? We always think along and try to provide as much clarity as possible through demonstrations.

Do Not Underestimate Interactivity

An interactive discussion system with individual LCD screens per participant provides an instant overview of the topics under discussion, the agenda, speaking times, speakers and participants, including all relevant background information.


Voting results are immediately visible on both individual and central screens, whether anonymous or not.

Integration and Connections

By integrating the discussion system with other audiovisual facilities such as video and sound in the council chamber, users benefit from a wide range of options during (council) meetings, conferences, and seminars, while maintaining ease of use. Functionalities such as voting, streaming video and data, digital note-taking, and automatic archiving can all be integrated into the same system.

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